【同义词辨析】 2019-12-11 阴谋plot-conspiracy

plot: implies careful foresight in planning a complex scheme: foiled an assassination ~. plan计划implies mental formulation and sometimes graphical representation of method or course of action头脑中形成(即想出)的方法或行动路线,如studied the plan for the proposed industrial park研究了提议的工业园区(规)计划,如the three leaders had worked out a peace plan3位领导人已制订出了和平方案) (scheme也是计划图谋,但表示有自私或狡诈的目的stresses calculation of the end in view and may apply to a plan motivated by craftiness and self-interests,如a scheme to swindle senior citizens of their savings诈骗老年人存款的计划计谋)  (plot有3个意思 1、故事情节 2、在图表上绘制 3、密谋,如someone plotted to overthrow the government密谋推翻政府,可见三个意思都和预见foresight有关)   plan和plot谐音

intrigue: suggests secret underhanded maneuvering in an atmosphere of duplicity: finagled the nomination by means of by means of back-room ~.   (underhanded欺诈秘密的不光明磊落的,是aboveboard光明正大诚信的反义词,如underhanded financial deals秘密的或欺诈的金融交易)   (duplicity两面派行为、欺诈==being deceitful,如Trump calls Trudeau 'two-faced' after video shows leaders apparently mocking him嘲笑川普的视频曝光后,川普说特鲁多是二面人,川普的意思就是duplicity,只是盟友间这样说话太重,换成了two-faced的说法,来自词根DI/DUP表示2,如复制duplicate)   解释中3个词首字母sum

machination: implies a contriving of annoyance, injuries, or evils and imputes hostility or treachery to the contrivers: through ~s she pieced together a publishing empire. 又如the machinations of his enemies他敌人的阴谋诡计   (contrivedevise和都表示设计一个方法to find a way to do or achieve something,contrive强调灵巧聪明cleverness and ingenuity,devise则强调用脑思考mental effort,contrive更多褒义,但意思接近,使用时可以不区分,在2018-09-19 设计contrive-concoct组) treachery背叛,表示很轻易就背叛他人,同一组的perfidy更进一步,表示无法忠诚,在2017-05-16 不忠faithless-perfidious组

conspiracy: implies a secret agreement among several people, often, but not always, involving treason or great treachery: a ~ of oil companies to set prices.  叛国 如they conspired to overthrow the government/commit murder他们阴谋(密谋、串谋)推翻政府/杀,如阴谋论a theory that explains an event or situation as the result of a secret plan by usually powerful people or groups该理论认为某一事件是秘密计划的结果,如conspiracy theories sprung up soon after the leader's assassination领导人遇刺不久就出现了阴谋论的说法

cabal: typically applies to intrigue, often involving persons of some eminence, to accomplish some end favorable to its members injurious to those affected: the infamous ~ against General Washington.   这个词可以表示计划,也可以表示参与计划的人,因此例句可以有2种解释

plot密谋: 指小心地周密地预先计划图谋,intrigue诡计: 表示秘密运作,气氛诡诈,machination阴谋诡计: 表示恶意伤害背叛他人,有敌意,conspiracy串谋: 指多人秘密计划,有时表示严重背叛甚至叛国,cabal阴谋集团: 指有一定声望的人秘密计划,对其成员有利,但对他人有害

记忆方法: 1)首字母PIMCC想成中国人民保险公司PICC经理Manager<==阴谋不理赔


        3)阴谋的意思是秘密计划伤害背叛他人mean a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end.首字母PIMCC想成中国人民保险公司PICC经理Manager<==阴谋不理赔